Margo Price Herbal Mints- Raspberry

Mentas Herbales de Margo Price- Frambuesa

Nature’s Grace and Wellness is proud to be an independent family-owned and operated cannabis farm in West Central Illinois. Agriculture runs deep in our family as fifth-generation farmers. We appreciate every opportunity that arises to make high-quality and high-value products for our Illinois patients and users.

So when the opportunity came to partner with Margo Price, a native of Western Illinois, we were delighted to see what our collaboration could produce. It’s not everyday a Grammy-nominated and Billboard charting artist is willing to partner with our farm family!

Margo is not only a personal fan of cannabis, but passionate about the positive impact it can have on people’s physical and mental health. That’s why we are proud to introduce our collaborative product, Margo’s Herbal Mints, into the Illinois market.

These herbal mints can either be a microdosing product or if you want a heavier effect, you can always take a higher dose. Just be responsible when consuming and you’ll be sure to enjoy the effects!

Be Well,


Celebrating Illinois Heritage

Nutrition Facts & Ingredients

Datos de Nutrición y Ingredientes

Product Warnings

Advertencias del Producto



WARNING: This product is prepared and packaged using machines that may come into contact with WHEAT, EGGS, MILK, SOY, TREE NUTS & PEANUTS.

CAUTION: This product contains cannabis, and intoxication following use may be delayed 2 or more hours. This product was produced in a facility that cultivates cannabis, and that may also process common food allergens.

This product passed the microbiological, mycotoxins, pesticide, and solvent residue analyses.

This product contains cannabis and is intended for use by adults 21 and over. Its use can impair cognition and may be habit-forming. This product should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is unlawful to sell or provide this item to any individual, and it may not be transported outside the State of Illinois. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of cannabis. Possession or use of this product may carry significant legal penalties in some jurisdictions and under federal law.

Produced and packaged by Nature’s Grace and Wellness, LLC; P.O. Box 223 Vermont, IL 61484

This registered product, if sampled, was given a grade of pass.

ADVERTENCIA: Este producto se prepara y envasa mediante máquinas que pueden entrar en contacto con TRIGO, HUEVOS, LECHE, SOJA, FRUTOS DE ÁRBOL Y CACAHUETES.

PRECAUCIÓN: Este producto contiene cannabis y la intoxicación posterior al uso puede demorarse 2 horas o más. Este producto se elaboró ​​en una instalación que cultiva cannabis y que también puede procesar alérgenos alimentarios comunes.

Este producto pasó los análisis microbiológicos, de micotoxinas, pesticidas y residuos de solventes.

Este producto contiene cannabis y está destinado a adultos mayores de 21 años. Su uso puede afectar la cognición y puede crear hábito. Este producto no debe ser utilizado por mujeres embarazadas o lactantes. Es ilegal vender o proporcionar este artículo a cualquier persona y no puede transportarse fuera del estado de Illinois. Es ilegal operar un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del cannabis. La posesión o el uso de este producto puede conllevar sanciones legales significativas en algunas jurisdicciones y según la ley federal.

Producido y empaquetado por Nature’s Grace and Wellness, LLC; P.O. Box 223 Vermont, IL 61484

Este producto registrado, si se muestreó, recibió una calificación de aprobado.